Saturday, December 19, 2009

2 Year visit

Yesterday we took the boys to their 2 year visit with their doctor. Masen is 21 pounds 8 ounces and is 32 1/4 inches tall. Jaden weighs 21 pounds 2 ounces and is 32 inches. I need to put some fat on my boys! The doctor says their height matches their weight so he is not too concerned, but does want to add more calories to their diet. Happy 2nd Birthday Boys!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Almost 2!

Tomorrow my little guys turn 2! I can't believe how fast the last 2 years have gone and how big they are getting. (Even though they are still little guys) They are such busy, funny, cute little toddlers. I really enjoy watching them everyday and seeing what new things they learn. They are so much fun to have around and I can't wait to see what new things will happen this next year. We love them so much.

They rediscovered their Bumbo chairs and yes they still fit perfectly in them. They decided to share the chair this time. They think it is so funny to sit in their chairs.

Making daddy proud!

The other day Masen grabbed Ben's gun magazine and started looking through it. He flipped through it page by page. Ben is so proud of him.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

This year the boys are giraffes. They look so cute in their costumes. I am excited to take them around this year. They can say "trick/treat". So maybe they'll figure out when they say that they get candy. Happy Halloween!

This is Jaden

This is Masen

Here they are together.

They are such cute little guys!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Boston Boys!

Even though the boys didn't get to go to Boston with us, here they are showing some Boston pride. They got a bunch of cute things from Boston. Thanks for the sweatshirts aunt Anh! and for the shoes Grandma Beckie and Grandpa Liem!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Random Pictures

I think this is Masen wearing Landyn's Incredible Hulk mask. It is so huge on his head.

Here are the boys at park that we went to last weekend before Jen and Curt's luncheon. They had a blast going down the slides.

This is at Grandma Beckie's house. Just lounging around in a chair. They are so stinkin' cute.

Here is sweet baby Kaia. She looks so pretty in her dress last weekend. She is such a cute little girl.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Hair Do!

Ben and I shaved the boys heads last week. It's summer time and they look so cute. My mom was not to happy, but too late now! Ben thinks they look like trouble makers and I think they just look like little grown-up boys. I love it!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sleepover at aunt Jenn's house

On Monday night Jenn took the boys overnight so she could watch them on Tuesday while I was at work. This is a picture of the boys running around at a park near her house. Thanks Jenn, Curtis and Beckham for watching the boys for us!


Masen kept putting this towel around him and so I tied it around his shoulders for him. He ran around the living room like he was Superman, it was so funny.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Father's Day

This is a little late, but better late than never. I am so thankful for my great husband. He is such a wonderful father and the boys love him so much. I am also very grateful for my dad. He is a great example to our family. He is a wonderful grandpa to the boys. I am thankful also for my father-in-law. I know Ben is a great guy and hard worker because of his dad. Happy Fathers Day to all!!


Ben, the boys and I went camping with our friends over last weekend. It was so much fun. We went out to a place about 45 minutes west of Eagle Mountain. We rode four-wheelers, went digging for geodes and just hung out. It was our first time camping with just us, usually we go with Ben's family.

Here is a picture of part of our campsite. We had 9 RV's total.

This is my friend Kim's little girl, McKenna, and a cute little guy that was part of our camping party. He was the son of one of the other families that were there. They were so cute together. They rode those little four-wheelers around everywhere.

The next 2 pictures are of me and my best friends, Nicole and Kim. I love these guys! We had so much fun and I can't wait until the next trip.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My sister tickled Jaden's nose with a piece of grass and then he started doing it to himself. It was so funny. This was taken with my phone so it is not too clear.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A hard day at work

Ben's cousin/co-worker sent me this picture the other day. Looks like Ben is working really hard. Don't you wish you had this job? Ben said he had just laid down for a second and Dustin took the picture. Ya right! Haha.
My sis gave the boys a popsicle the other day, they loved it. Here are some cute pictures from then, they are so cute. They enjoyed it so much that they got all over their shirts. Luckily Chay took off their other clothes and just left them in their onsies.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Aunt Jen and the boys!

We went to Bear Lake over the weekend. It rained on us almost the whole time we were there. Between the rain showers we were able to go ride down on the beach. The boys love going on Grandpa Le's Tyrex, it usually puts them to sleep. It was good to get away for the weekend, too bad the weather sucked.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Kaia

These were taken at the hospital before Kaia went home. Camilla (her mom) said she was asleep and as soon as the photographer put her down to take the picture she woke up and opened her eyes and smiled. What a little princess, already striking a pose.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Brian and Camilla, welcomed their first child yesterday. She was born at 11:21 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs 13 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She is such a cute baby and I love all her hair. I think that how much hair she has is usually the first comment most people made yesterday. I am so excited for them and happy to be an aunt again. She is my first neice.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We got these pictures done last week. They did such a good job, both the boys and the place where we got them done at.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The boys got these great snowsuits for their birthday from aunt Anh. But it seemed every time that it snowed they were sick, so they never got to wear them. Then today it was sunny enough that I thought I would put them in the suits and take them outside and see what they thought about the snow. They had such a hard time moving around in them that they pretty much sat in one spot and ate some snow. They kinda look like that kid in "The Christmas Story" and the words, "I can't get up" kept running through my head while we were outside. Well maybe next year they can actually play in the snow.

Yesterday the boys got to play with cousin Beckham. They had so much fun running around with him and chasing him. We are so happy they are moving back this weekend so we can spend more time with him and Jen and Curtis.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Last night the boys would not eat. They kept pointing at their bowls, so we would offer a bite of rice and they would refuse. So finally Ben said, "Just give them the bowl." Knowing that this would be a huge mess, I reluctantly gave Masen his bowl. Ben gave Jaden his bowl. They went to town. It went everywhere, as you can see.

This is Masen eating the rice stuck to the bottom of the bowl.

Then licking his bowl clean.

This is Jaden licking his bowl clean.

And Jaden getting all messy with his rice.

Rice was everywhere, their hair, all over their face, everywhere. They went straight to the tub after this.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lately Jaden has been grabbing everyone's nose. He grabs and pinches pretty hard. The other day, the boys were playing and then Jaden grabbed Masen's nose. I had to take some pictures cause Masen was just letting him do it and not fighting back. I got his hand off and told him "no" and then he decided to give Masen a kiss to say sorry.