Friday, January 2, 2009

Fun at the mall

Beckham on the bus.

Masen driving the car and Jaden going along for the ride

Masen driving the bus

Jaden on the bee ride

My sis-in-law, Jen, and husband, Curtis, and son, Beckham, moved to Idaho today. They will be gone for 4 months while Curtis goes to lineman school. So yesterday we went up to say good-bye to her and her family. We went out to lunch and then walked around the Layton Hills mall. The boys and Beckham rode on these toys while we were there.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Love the pics! My blog is not set to private anymore!!! I kept forgetting to change it but I haven't posted anything down "her" in potatoe state!!! it's actually quite nice, bigger mall than in utah,huge movie theater down in "bo do, downtown boise"as peopele say here! Anywho see ya.