Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A tough start



My little guys were born 12-19-07, only 1 week early. I delivered them by c-section at Orem Community Hospital. My c-section was done by Dr Judd and Dr Gordon. Right away the nurses saw that Jaden was having a hard time breathing. After a couple x-rays and a lot of blood work they decided to transport him by life flight ambulance to the NICU at UVRMC. While they were working on Jaden, they brought in Masen to me. I got to hold him for a little while. Then they brought Jaden in to my room. He was in this big box with all these tubes sticking out everywhere. Then after a minute they took him away. Ben and his parents followed him to the hospital. While Jaden was in my room they were checking Masen's blood sugar, which ended up low. So they checked his oxygen levels and those were low. So they did x-rays and blood work and decided he needed to go to the NICU as well. Ben came back and then followed Masen down to the hospital. The same life flight crew that took Jaden, took Masen. After what seemed like the longest night I got to transfer to UVRMC and be closer to my boys. Once they were off their ventilators and most the tubes were out, they got to be in the same bed. They were on the ventilators for a couple days. They spent almost 3 weeks in the NICU. That was the longest 3 weeks of my life. I spent every day, all day with them. I am so grateful for all my family that supported us throughout the whole time and still do. I am also grateful for all the wonderful nurses that gave our little guys such great care. I am thankful that our boys made it through that and that they are happy, healthy, almost 1 year old boys.


Jenn said...

Those pictures remind me of just how teeny tiny they were. I'm so happy that they are so friken healthy and cute!!!!!!!!

chingchong7 said...

Time sure does go by fast. I can't believe they are almost one! Great uddates and pictures! Love it!